(Hahah Sorry for the gastly label, I will be making a new one after I have finished revising for my exams :L )
OK sor anyway, some of you may have heard of "stardollbug.tk" which claims to give you 500 sd and 5 rare dresses, well anyway, today I am going to do a ppst about it. It has affected Lozzyy. (the co-owner) and many others. Well I am going to find out more about this gastly website. And tell you a few things along the way, So anyway I have made a tester account called stardollbugtest which I will use through out this investigation:
1. I have typed in stardollbug.tk into my search bar and searched it. This is what came up:
I am glad to see that Mcaffee have detected this.
2. I have been a dare devil and clicked visit anyway (oh the things I do for you) Heres what came up:
Well done stardollbug :L Now you have your stardoll accounts you are wanting credit card numbers!
They have changed their page so stardoll won't think they have done anything.
What used to be there was a page saying "Enter your user name here and log in, it will be put into a raffle and the winners will be picked out to win 500sd and 5 free dresses"
Basically they made a frame whic looked like stardoll and made you submit your name and password into it. I know becuase I visited a couple of days prior to the investigation. What they did was store your passwords.
3. Random Girl I found posting on people's guest books about stardollbug.tk
I thought it might be her who made the site then I saw here presentation.
4. The Random girls presentation. It made me think. Still, could be a fake
It used to say Visit stardollbug.tk to get 500 stardollars totally scam free!
Now it has changed, I am left thinking, maybe she was hacked by them. Maybe it wasn't her!
But you never know...
This is the end of part 1, I will do part 2 when I find more info.
How the hell would you know????You dont so hushhh