Monday 28 May 2012

Random Post! #6

Hello Readers,
Do you like reading these posts or do you want me to write about something else?
REMEMBER: All images can be enlarged by clicking on them!
New Hotbuy!
The last hotbuy of this month was released today. It is called Hotbuys Floral Dress and you can get it from Bonjour Bizour. I think it is quite expensive but the dress does look nice and would be perfect for summer. Here is an outfit i made with the dress:
Floral dresses are really in fashion at the moment and i am glad. All you need to do is pair the dress up with some colourful sandals and a cute bag.
Real version by Betsy Johnson:
Covergirl + National Covergirl!
Today's covergirl is starbuster8. Click here to go to her suite.
Today's National Covergirl is style_sim. I love her outfit it is really unique! Click here to go to her suite.
This is her outfit:
Top Stardesign Interior!
Today i have chosen Misskingbis to write about. She has made some great interior. Here are the ones she is selling in her bazaar at the moment:
She sells all her designs for 8 stardollars and i think these designs are superb! Click Here to go to her bazaar.
Thanks for reading!


  1. The hot buy dress is really cute :)

    ~ bracken1234

  2. Hi this is style_sim. thanks for the post :)
